Photo: Adelhills Sansas Aslan
We have had Longhair Bengal kittens
born here at Adelhills since 2015.
The Cashmere Longhair Bengal is considered a "semi-longhair" cat and still retains the "Allergy friendly" coat due the the low level presences of the Fel d 1 allergen in the genetic make-up of the Bengal breed coming down from their wild ancestors. While they are a semi-longhair cat they are still considered low allergen in regards to other domestic breeds. To me this is vitally important as the reason I was first introduced to Bengals was because my husband was allergic to cats and he ended up not being allergic to bengals.
Having grown up as a child in my grandmothers household, there were always longhair Persians and so the ability to have a longhair cat again in my life that had the attributes I love of the bengal personality and the allergy friendly coat is special to me and I'm sure to other longhair lovers who also have allergies or family with cat allergies.
Remember though, they do require a weekly brush of their coat and notably maintaining their sanitary areas and under arms to ensure matting doesn't occur.
So if you prefer a low maintenance cat, stick with their shorthair Bengal version as your longhair cats do require extra care to keep their coats mat-free and flowing.
Their coat is also more noticeable with loss of hair in the seasonal shedding as it's longer! So remember more hair on them equals more hair on you!
The texture of a Cashmere is luxurious, like the texture of Angora Cashmere, which is why they have gotten the term "Cashmere".
The Longhair Bengal is recognized in the USA, Canada, New Zealand (Cashmere) and Europe. Australia is one of the last countries yet to recognize them. There has been previous applications presented to CCCA governing body through the state club FASA back in 2018 that failed as it was likely too early in submission as TICA had only just accepted them the year before. Currently there is a successful application in 2024 application through NSWCFA which is again with the CCCA registry which was approved and accepted. We wish those individuals efforts our best wishes in seeing the Longhair bengal recognized under the CCCA nationally in the near future.
However as we are an ACF affiliated breeder we have submitted our application through GCCFSA in 2025 as our state body and to the ACF national registry as that is our main registering body planned for 2026 ACF national judges guild. We have already been through this process with our submission of the Blue bengal colour which was approved and so we are familiar with the requirements and likelihood of another successful submission. As with all things we believe in taking our time with a thoughtful well presented submission to the ACF to ensure that what we are presenting examples that will be of excellent quality and represent the Longhair Bengal and Adelhills Bengal breeding program and reputation with the best example we can. We believable that anything worth doing is worth taking our time to do it well.
The Longhair bengal was accepted in 2017 by TICA who is listed as the originating body of registration of the bengal breed, it has also been recognised by CFA in 2018 with AOV coat type added to the Bengal standard and in New Zealand under the breed name Cashmere since 2013. We have high expectations that the Longhair Bengal will also be accepted once presented for ACF.
Here is the TICA Breed Standard regarding the longhair bengal coat (as this is the only difference between the Bengal and Longhair Bengal breed show standards):
BGL Coat Length: The coat should be medium to long in length lying close
to the body, with furnishings. Allowance for slightly shorter coat in kittens.
BGL Tail: Medium length, thick, tapered at the end with a rounded tip.
The tail hair should be long and voluminous. Allowance for shorter tail hair
in kittens.
BGL Legs: Medium length, slightly longer in the back than in the front.
Britches should be medium to short Toe hair is acceptable.
BGL Head Shape: Broad modified wedge with rounded contours. Longer
than it is wide. Slightly small in proportion to body, but not to be taken to
extreme. The skull behind the ears makes a gentle curve and flows into
the neck. Allowance to be made for jowls in adult males. Feathering
behind the ears and into ruff, giving a frontal effect of roundness framing
the head is desirable. A mane is acceptable but not required. Overall look
of the head should be as distinct from the domestic cat as possible.
BGL Ears: Medium to small, relatively short, with wide base and
rounded tops. Set as much on side as top of head, following the contour
of the face in the front view, and pointing forward in the profile view.
Horizontal furnishings are acceptable. Lynx tipping is permissible.
Here is the CFA Breed Standard AOV regarding the longhair bengal coat (as this is the only difference between the Bengal and Longhair Bengal breed show standards):
The Longhair Bengal can come in any described color/pattern combination. Coat is semi long
haired, with a fine texture, and luxurious, not cottony or wooly. The coat should create an all
over harmonious impression with the longer parts flowing gently into the shorter ones. Long
hair sticking out on any part of the body is undesirable. Coat shall lay close to the body. Silky
coat and satin glitter are desirable, but not required. Pattern shall be clearly visible, with a
horizontal flow to its alignment. Hair around head and neck may be slightly longer. A
slightly fuller coat on the back of neck is accepted, but not required. A corona of hair around
the head, extremely thick, full coat on back of neck, or a ruff, is undesirable. Ears shall not be
tufted, but slight ear tips are allowed. Strong ear tufts, spoiling the rounded impression of the
ear are not desirable. Tail shall be slightly longer haired creating a plumed impression.
Our Kitten Applications are located on the Kitten Page, which has further info about what you can expect from an Adelhills Kitten and us as your breeder. Currently while we are accepting applications for Longhair Kitten we are not processing them with booking fees as we are unable to give any reliable time frame for availability. If you are set on a Cashmere kitten then please feel free to apply and we will notify those families interested once we have an available kitten.
2019 Adelhills Flames Nala